Saturday, December 22, 2012

Kansas Kids

A friend recently messaged me and asked several questions about adoption. One involved getting to the bottom of the orphan situation in Kansas specifically. It got me to thinking that maybe others wonder too. Everyone knows there are orphans and waiting children in countries all over the world. That is no secret. But what about Kansas? We don't have "orphanages" in the traditional sense that other countries do. We don't see homeless children on street corners and store backs like other countries. So, does that mean we don't have any? Where are they kept?

According to Adopt Kansas Kids, there are 850 orphans in Kansas right now. This means that they are ready for adoption at this moment. On top of that, over 1,000 foster kids are in placement across Kansas now. Many of those foster children will also end up becoming legal orphans.

Photo: Meet Gregg, age 16. He is a creative, active young man with a good sense of humor. He enjoys swimming, playing games and riding bikes. Gregg is very interested in cooking and learning about cooking. Someday he would like to pursue a career in cooking, possibly on a cruise ship. 

Photo by Kathleen Bishop, Bishop's Studio
Children who are God's. Chosen, beloved, precious and desired by their Creator. Yes, most are children who have experienced hurts and desertion but they are so much more than that too. They are resilient, hopeful and ready to be chosen by a mother and father here on Earth. They are creative, loving, gifted, and ready to take a role in a forever family.

That part about being polluted by the world? Oh my. What a yucky feeling. I fear I've been polluted by the world. I let it tell me that if something makes me uncomfortable then I don't have to do it. That others say I shouldn't disrupt birth order. That I need more space. That it will be hard to meet the needs of so many little ones. That we'll never go on another vacation due to size. That I'm going to be "that" mom in that too-big van. That I may never shower where I get to wash my hair AND shave in the same shower ever again. That if bringing in a child to my home makes me have to alter the way we've been living and the "perfect" little set-up that I've got going on right now then surely God isn't asking that of me. God, purge this pollution from me.

Here are some resources if you're interested in changing a life. Each of these pages has links to information on children waiting RIGHT NOW. I pray that our eyes will be opened to see them the way God sees them:

Adopt Kansas Kids

Adopt Kansas Kids Facebook Page

Kansas Children's Service League


(all kid pictures from the adopt kansas kids facebook page)

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