Thursday, December 8, 2011


Throughout the midst of the last couple crazy weeks of craft fairs, Thanksgiving and daily life with three little ones I've had this over-arching feeling of thankfulness.  Sometimes it has been almost an overwhelming feeling.  Like God has been saying, "Look Lindsey.  Look here.  Do you see what I'm doing here.  Oh, and see here how I've protected you.  And here, I'm providing."  And I do see it.  For that I'm so grateful.  I know I have a tendency in my life and walk with Christ to overlook those things.  To think I'm doing it in my own power.  Dangerous--I know. 

So many little things lately have shown me God's loving hand in my life.  And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I truly was. 
  • Thankful for three amazing women put into my life through marriage.  My sister-in-laws have worked tirelessly for our adoption fund and to bring this little boy home. 
  • Thankful for a mother-in-law who has voluntarily come over a couple afternoons with the stipulation that I do WHATEVER I WANT!  What mom even knows what that means anymore? 
  • Thankful for a tip to our foster agency that headed off what had the potential to be a horrible experience with our little Mara.  I still shudder to think about it. 
  • Thankful for a sister-in-law who brought over not just one but several freezer meals so that I would be able to work later into the afternoons on adoption needs instead of starting dinner.
  • Thankful for a couple significant donations to our adoption fund that came out of the blue and even from people that we don't technically know very well.  So humbling. 
  • Thankful for a haircut and color.  Ok, vain I know but gosh darn it if it doesn't feel good and change a girl's perspective on things for a while.  : ) 
  • Thankful for a husband who is observant enough to recognize when I need time to clean, sleep, read or play.  He is always so in tune with the state of our family.
  • Thankful for three girls who make me laugh hourly.  Seriously.  The humor in children is a gift and a joy. 
  • Thankful for two successful craft shows despite our novice status. 
I'm praying that I continue to be made aware of the little things that God is doing around me.  I know that it isn't my first nature to recognize all that I have to be thankful for. 

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