Here's what the dictionary has to say about waiting
(I can tell you were wondering)
to be available or in readiness
to look forward to eagerly
to continue as one is in expectation of
to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as
until something expected happens
Check, check, check and check. We are WAITING. And I'm not a
fan. A friend recently send a kind donation and with it was this necklace that
basically sums it all up for me:
The heart is over the spot in Africa that we will be
heading....Kinshasa. Oh the longing for that little heart.
I was looking into a t-shirt fundraiser we were talking about and they had some listed
under the theme "Paper Pregnancy". Cute, right? All my fellow
adoptive mommies will totally get that. The shirts had clever sayings like:
So far no morning sickness but the paper cuts
are terrible!
Motherhood: No stretch marks required
Fatherhood: Requires love, not DNA
I can totally related to these. I've often tried to equate
the waiting for this adoption to the waiting during a pregnancy but there are
some flaws in that theory. For one, when I've been pregnant I know exactly
where my little one is....generally hanging on my right rib cage. I'm secure in
the knowledge that the only harm being done at any given moment is that Crispy
Creme donut I should have avoided that morning.
A second difference is the timeline. With a pregnancy it's
pretty straight-forward, 9 months give or take. We're 8 months into this thing
and don't really have any idea how much longer we could be waiting. Another 8
months? Ugh.
Another one is in appearance. While we didn't know exactly
what our sweet girls would look like I could take a look at my hunky husband
and glance at myself in the mirror and get a pretty good idea what might be
popping out. With our son I just have NO IDEA what to imagine. I just want that
picture so much! To know in my mind what I know in my heart....he's ours.
Well, I guess I've drilled in the truth about our situation
right now. I'm waiting. I don't like it. I'm pouting about it. I've been so
blessed by friends and family asking though. I really love that he's on your
minds as he is ours. Please keep praying for him (and us). We know that all of
this is in God's hands and while my impatient side balks against the unknown I
do have great comfort in knowing that each day that goes by is one that God has
designed to bring us one day closer to completing our family.
"And He said to them, 'It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority'." Acts 1:7